Colonel Zebediah Protheroe and his Missouri Bushwhackers have been raiding in Featherstone County again. Now they are being pursued by General Issuwe and a strong force of US Army regulars.
Crossing the river, the Colonel aims to make a stand on the hill to the North, but first he intends to hold the two crossing points for some time to slow the pursuers advance.
The area North of the river (that looks like a bit of road) is impassable bog |
The Union forces attack both crossing points
The Rebels fall back from the bridge but hold the ford |
US Cavalry push back the rebels |
The assault of the hill begins on the US left flank |
The Right flank is still engaged with the CSA defenders |
The Union Army is finally all across the river and the CSA are at Exhaustion Point |
Heavy casualties have also brought the Union Army to EP at Turn 12
As night falls, the surviving Bushwackers are able to slip away having managed to hold the hill against a larger force.