Wednesday 30 December 2020

Scenario 13: Escape

 A brigade from Army Blue has been raiding in Army Grey's territory. The survivors are heading South back to the border (their game objective is to get 3 units off the Southern edge of the board using the road). On Turn 1 the Blue Army appears in the North; a single battalion of Grey Infantry holds the road South - this should be easy, shouldn't it?

The game was played using the Portable War Game (Late 19th Century rules).

The way is blocked, you cannot pass

As these are 2mm blocks and a little hard to see, I'll list the two armies.

Army Blue

Commander and Aides 6SP

4 Line Infantry battalions 4SP each

1 Cavalry Squadron 4SP

1 Battalion of Light Infantry 3SP

Army Grey

Commander and Aides 6SP

4 Line Infantry battalions 4SP each

1 Cavalry Squadron 4SP

1 battery of artillery (smooth bore medium) 2SP

Exhaustion Point (EP) was at 30% casualties.

Turn 2 
As Blue's advance got underway two Grey Infantry battalions appeared on the hill and engaged their left flank. Blue's cavalry hurtled down the road and attempted to clear a path through the blocking force.

Turn 3

Blue's cavalry were beaten off; his Infantry continue to move South and fire on the enemy.

Turn 4

More of Grey's force appeared in the West (to the North of the woods) and began to harass Blue's Right flank. One of the Infantry units on his left was withdrawn from the fire fight and sent South at the double. Blue's Cavalry had already reached the border and merely had to exit via the road.

Turn 5

Blue's force began to get bogged down in the centre, and their commander began to wish he hadn't been so quick to send his cavalry off the field.

Turn 6
A battery of Grey's artillery appeared at the Southern end of the road, blocking it. Blue would have to cut his way off the board.

Turn 7

Blue was now under extreme pressure as casualties mounted, and EP loomed, with two more units required to leave by the road.

Turn 8

Firing from both Light Infantry and Line Infantry could not dislodge the stubborn Grey gunners.

Turn 9

Casualties finally forced Blue to EP at Turn 9; the day was lost.

The two sides fought on until turn 11 when Grey also reached EP and the game was over.


  1. Welcome back - and that board is very good! Tough game though, it was always going to be difficult for Blue. I wonder if they ever win?!

    1. Cheers David. Having only 1 exit point makes it very difficult for Blue; perhaps with a larger number of fast moving units...?

  2. New board looks fab.
    The rules give a nice result and the units/pics give a good insight into the overall battle.

  3. I know it's been said already but the new board really does look good.

    1. Cheers mate, and Happy New Year to you and the family

  4. I love your board! The use of different-coloured but compatible squares really gives an excellent impression of cultivated land.

    All the best,


    1. Cheers Bob. As you know, I pinched the idea from Mr Martin Smith's Chessboard for PWG that you crossposted from the Facebook site!
