"There are no bad plans. Just Great Plans that go horribly wrong".
In Scenario 10, the defending side has only 2 units at the start, with 2 more arriving at turn 5 and the last 2 arriving at turn 10. Should be a tough call for the defenders. Or so you'd think...
The objective is the little town. The large hill is impassable. Usual thing, 15 turns or game over when both sides reach Exhaustion Point.
The last time I tried using a tank in a Portable Wargame was way back in 2017 (here) - it didn't end well that time; could things improve?
The People's Democratic Front (Green) are defending the town; their reinforcements are late.
A force from the Democratic Party of Free Uqbal (Tan) arrive to the North and advance on the town.
The DPFU have a Tank!
The PDF have an Anti-Tank Gun!
and a Machine Gun hidden in the woods
All is quiet until...
Turn 3 - Machine Gun and Gun simultaneously open fire
The DPFU commander deploys his mortar
Machine gun and Anti-tank gun are forced back under fire
Reinforcements arrive (including that *#x% bazooka again!)
The DPFU are in the open and taking casualties..
Boom! The tank's gone, AND they reached EP
It would have been kind to call a halt at this point
The last batch of reinforcements arrive
The attackers pinned by the EP rule are reduced until..
their commander falls and they surrender.
Once again the tank has proved to be a white elephant. Army Tan got distracted (and sorely damaged) by the machine gun in the woods and probably should have used the mortar on the town. This is a nice scenario that I haven't played before but will hopefully play again soon.