Saturday 23 July 2022

Scenario 17: Encounter

 In this scenario, which was played using the original Portable Wargame rules (for late 19th Century), both sides began with a random unit locating a strategically important hill. The remaining units of each army would then arrive (randomly picked), one each turn, on the roll of 4, 5 or 6. This rule was to prove decisive.

The objective was the hill; to win, an army must have complete possession of the hill at Turn 15, or when both sides reached Exhaustion Point (30% casualties).

The scouts arrive (note the trees are just there to relieve the flatness)

Blue is first to grab the objective but are already outnumbered

By Turn 5 Blue still hold the hill but have yet to receive reinforcements

Turn 7. Red now hold the objective and still no fresh Blue forces have arrived

Finally the Blue forces begin to appear, but is it too late?

Turn 11: Red have total control of the hill though Blue's forces are building up

Blue begins to damage Red but time is running out

Time runs out for Blue and the day is lost

Army Blue's commander will have to explain why it took half a day for his force to arrive on the battlefield (dice issues again).


  1. Thanks for the battle report πŸ‘πŸΌ. I love the simplicity of the set up. This is such a fun and/or frustrating scenario…It’s so uncanny how a side can repeatedly throw 1,2 or 3 and miss out on assistance! My kind of solo πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    1. Cheers Martin - The random arrival can make for a very one-sided game indeed!
