Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Scenario 27: Disordered Defence

 Blue has launched a surprise attack with a small force (4 units) whose objective is to capture a strategically important crossroads. Red has half of his force (3 units) in place, with the remaining 3 units arriving late (turn 8). Blue always moves first in this scenario. Modified Portable Wargame rules were tried again, with no Exhaustion Point. The trees are only to break up the field a bit - apart from the roads this is a flat featureless terrain.

Initial situation

Blue's Cavalry have attacked the Red artillery and fallen back to charge again

By Turn 6 Blue has captured the Crossroads with a weakened cavalry unit

The Centre and Right are in Blue's control

The remaining Red units arrive - will the tide turn?

Turn 11 and Blue is still very much in charge of the objective

Red pushes forward to try to dislodge Blue

Disaster for Red - sustained fire has led to his General's demise

The end of the game with Blue successfully holding the Crossroads!


  1. 👍🏼👍🏼. Blue did well to hang on to the crossroads, there!! Love the look of the board ✔️

    1. Cheers Martin. Yes the dice were favouring Blue in this game. Fun little game.
