Thursday 23 July 2020

Scenario 7: Flank Attack (2)

(Working Title - Colonel Deering's Bad Day Out)

A game in which defeat was plucked from the blood-soaked jaws of victory... again.

The Situation

An Uqbali brigade had strayed into Albionian territory and been pursued back to the border. They have taken up a defensive position on a hill, facing the direction in which the enemy should be coming. Attempting to emulate Frederick the Great, no less, the Albionian Commander, one Colonel Deering, puts his cunning plan into action. He positions  a third of his force on a small hill facing the enemy whilst moving the rest to their left flank..

To win, the attackers must have exclusive possession of the large hill by Turn 15 or when both sides reach Exhaustion Point (EP).

The trap is sprung

The defenders start taking casualties

The Uqbali cavalry are sent to silence those guns

The attackers close in

The Uqbali Cavalry pay a heavy price attacking the Naval guns

The defenders are at EP and must now hold their ground

Halfway through the battle and things look bad for the defence

It's at this point that Deering realizes that his own force is also nearing EP

He must quickly get boots (or hooves even) on the hill

Last chance to finish off the remaining enemy...

...fails on turn 13. The battle is over.

Footnote: The Uqbali cavalry valiantly silenced the Naval guns in time to be frozen by their force reaching EP. Colonel Deering went on to train new officers at the Military Academy and later became a Cabinet Minister. 


  1. New officers please!. So close!. It really shows that even a scenario with simple victory conditions can create a tense situation.

    1. Another day, another blunder. Bob's rules have added urgency which I sometimes forget about, until it's too late.

  2. Excellent scenario and play. Shows the power of those OHW scenarios.
    For some reason I had Wilma Deering from the 80s version of Buck Rogers in my head in the guise of Col Deering.
    Clearly, it's a mid life crisis.

    At least she went onto better things here.

    1. Cheers Duc!
      Funny that... white spandex. Enough said.

  3. Enjoyed your battle report, Can you tell me a little about the figures please? Make, scale, that sort of thing,thanks.

    1. Thanks Tradgardmastare.
      The defenders are a mix of Redoubt and Irregular miniatures (the Redoubt are the slightly larger ones)
      The attackers are all Irregular Minis.
      Nominally 28mm...

    2. Thanks, and the size of the squares?

    3. You are very welcome - the bases are 1 inch for foot and 2x1 inch for mounted figures and the grid squares are 3 inches - this board is 8x8 squares (2 foot square).

  4. Really enjoying all your OHW reports. Thanks for posting and inspiring my figure painting work!
